When I try to download it from the downloads page, it does not start automatically.
Can you try to get the file directly from the following mirror: http://download.forge.ow2.org/bonita/BonitaBPMCommunity-7.2.3.zip
I assume it will fail likely due to a corporate proxy that block access to the download site.
I continually have that problem at work. It just hangs. I finally downloaded it at home and put it on a SD card and brought it to work. I even used Fiddler to see if the network was down, and I even posted a message to the CEO of Bonita (Manuel ?) since I like to help-fix-things. But alas, I don’t even try any more, I just use the SD card. And oh yes, you can get it from github.com which might work… Sorry I am not more help.
In order to figure out what is going wrong here can you follow this procedure?:
- Load the download page (http://www.bonitasoft.com/downloads-v2) in Google Chrome.
- Open “Developer Tools” (F12 or CTRL + MAJ + I).
- Click on the ''Network" tab.
- In “Developer Tools” check “Preserve log”.
- In the download page click on the download button.
- Once you no longer have new requests coming in Network tab, do a right click on a request and chose “Copy All as HAR”.
- Paste the copied content in a text file and share this text file here using for example Dropbox or any other file sharing solution.
Also if you can mention which version of Bonita BPM and for which Operating System (Mac/Linux/Windows - 32/64bits) you are trying to download.
Thanks a lot for your help.
This is URL where the file is. https://www.dropbox.com/s/84jd4qij8lq4bvs/Bonita_Download_logs.txt?dl=0
I’m trying to download Bonita 7.2.3 All in one.
Thanks a lot!
-------waiting for objectweb.org---------------
Can you try to get the file directly from the following mirror: http://download.forge.ow2.org/bonita/BonitaBPMCommunity-7.2.3.zip
yes, getting it that way worked.
I’m downloading now from the mirror you post above! If there were further problems I’ll let you know.
Thanks a lot again!
yes, direct download worked. Q: Did anyone go thru the requested har.txt file I supplied above?
Yes I checked the HAR as well as web site code.
Actually if you can test the following download URLs and let me know if one of them allow you to download the zip version of the Studio that would be really helpful:
- http://www.bonitasoft.com/products/download/bonita-bpm-all-one-7-2-3?ddl=true
- http://www.bonitasoft.com/products/download/bonita-bpm-all-one-7-2-3?ddl=false
- http://www.bonitasoft.com/products/download/bonita-bpm-all-one-7-2-3?ddl=true&download=true
- http://www.bonitasoft.com/products/download/bonita-bpm-all-one-7-2-3?ddl=false&download=true
3rd one works! It goes into our normal corporate quarantine sniffer thing which checks the contents, but it does work!
the others do not work. I tested all of them twice. Same results. Only 3rd one works!
Can I ask you to do another test to confirm that I isolate the issue?
If you go to http://www.bonitasoft.com/test-download.html does the download of BonitaBPMCommunity-7.2.3.zip start?
no luck on IE11, no luck on Chrome 51. Both spun on ow2.org for 10 seconds, then stopped. No download at all in History. I did view source link and if I then click on the zip, it does download. I asked around here at work, curious if your iframe should be https, and they say, only if ow2.org is an https server (wont have cross domain scripting issue).
I can test all you want, dont be shy.
Thanks a lot for all your help!
I think I managed to track down the cause of this download issue: it seems that you have a web gateway (probably McAfee Web Gateway) that actually download the file on your behalf, scan it for virus and provides you a final download link if the file is safe.
Problem is all that is hidden because we use an invisible iframe to trigger the download of the file.
So we will make so modification on our side to make sure that we offer a direct download link in such situation so that you can download the file without any problem.
For information we now display a direct download link if a web gateway prevent the standard download of the file.