Import csv data


Currently I am using bonita BPM 6.4 community version.

Can you anybody tell the steps to import csv data.


I’m not sure I’m fully understanding your use case but here are some guidelines:

  • I would recommend to define a document at process level in order to upload the CSV file (
  • In order to parse the file, I think you can try to adapt the existing CSV connector contribution done for v5 ( to v6 (see You should store the connector output as process or step data.
  • You can create forms to display the data
  • To define which user can perform steps in the process you can use Actors (association between task and organization) and Filters (a piece of code that run when a task is ready in order to produce a list of users that can do the task)
  • Modelization of the workflow can be done in Bonita Studio.
  • You can developed some custom connector in order to build the required XML or JSON at the end of the process


Can you explain what is your use case? Want do you want to do with the data you import?


Following is my use case:

  • Import a sample CSV file 2 records with 3 fields (Name, email, Partner name)
  • Create a form with these fields
  • Define users (Operator, Platform Owner)
  • Set up Workflow
  • At the end of workflow, export data as XML or JSON
