Increase GUI field sizes

I find one of the most frustrating aspects of the GUI is the tiny fields for entering data. Many are a fixed size and do not scale in proportion to the containing window or manually expanded, despite there being acres of empty space, especially if using a large, high-res monitor.

Trying to type or read a text in a box that only displays a handful of lines or characters is a horrible experience. Trying to select a single item from a list of dozens when only two can be displayed at once is horrible.

Is there some explain for the logic of this?


First of all, thank you for taking the time to share the details with us. We take community users feedback really seriously.

After different discussions with users we decided (back in the days) to have a fixed size for both name and description fields in the Studio based on standard average (and taking into account max length supported) as we considered a best practice to have a short diagram name for example.

If you are open to it, I would like to propose to setup a call with our usability specialist for the Studio component so you could share all your feedback to improve the product.

Let us know

PS: Regarding your comment on the way to insert images in the forum. You are right, the only way today is to add a link to an image stored in another location (I agree with you that this is not really handy). Stay tuned, we are working on different improvements of this community site.


Could you please share some examples? Are your referring to the Studio/UiDesigner?


One example would be the size of the Name and Description fields in the General tab of the General section in the Studio. Both fields are a fixed size and don’t scale with the panel.
The Name field only shows about 25-30 characters, but the field can accept 256 characters
The Description field only shows about 50-60 characters, but the field can accept an unlimited number of characters. Worse still, there’s no scroll bar on the field to allow you to read the rest; you have to click in the field and use the up / down arrows to ‘pan’ through the text.
I’d love to share a screen grab, but this discussion platform seems to only accept links to images stored somewhere else, as far as I can see.