Insert the value of a variable in an email


I have a task where I have to insert the value of variable containing the fees of a mission found in my BDM into my email and I know that in email option there is an icon for the insertion of variable but how do I select the mission fees variable found in my BDM to appear in my email?

Hope I correctly presented my issue.



You should be able to use a groovy interpolation inside your email message body, like this:

Hi ${customer.firstName},

Some bla bla bla…

Where customer is a business variable of your process. Another solution could be to use a script expression as the body message, like this:

""" Hi ${customer.firstName},

Some bla bla bla… “”"

Where customer is a business variable of your process. And the """ represent a Groovy multiline GString.


Hi okay thanks I will try and let you know