Install problem on macosx Yosemite and Java 8 enviroment

I now that BonitaBPMNCommunity Studio is not compatible with Java 8 but how can I install anyway Bonita?
I must keep Java 8 because of any other software but I’m open to install any other new component but after Java 8 installation any other Java install says I have a newer version plus Bonita says not running because I have Java 8.
It is deadlock but I want to use Bonita very much. How is it possible?
Thank you in advance.


you can wait the 6.5 version, even if not supported, Bonita should work with Java 8.

You can install Java 7 and 8 on your system. Letting Java 8 in the system path.

Use the zip version of the studio and update the BonitaStudio*.ini by adding a -vm option to specify explicitly the java 7 version. Please look to this page: (BonitaStudio*.in file is working like the Eclipse.ini file )
Please note that some features doesn’t work with Java 8 with current Bonita version.


How I managed to install and start Bonita BPM Community 6.4.2 on Mac OSX 10.10.2 Yosemite:

open and type in java -version
if the Version displayed is not 1.6, then download Java 1.6 from Apple:
If page is displayed blank in Safari then you have to delete (or eat…) the Apple Cookies in Safari

install Java

find out where Java has been installed: open Terminal and enter
/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -version
the result should be Java Version “1.6.0_65” → if not, find out where it has been installed, you will need that information later

download Bonita Community Edition 6.4.2
double click the app to start installation

if you get an error telling you that the app has not been developed by a certified developer, press and hold down ctrl key, select the icon and in the pop up menu (right mouse button) select open → installation should start

The installer will tell you that Java is missing → continue installation by selecting Yes

If launching Bonita fails after finishing installation then you need to change the ini file contained in the launcher app:

Open Finder and navigate to /Applications/BonitaBPMCommunity-6.4.2

Select and show package contents using right mouse button pop up menu

navigate to ./Contents/MacOS
make a copy / duplicate the file BonitaBPMCommunity.ini (to have a backup)
open BonitaBPMCommunity.ini in a text editor

add the following two lines in the middle of the file just before the line containing “-vmargs”:


…or use the path where Java 1.6 has been installed on your system

save and close the file

go back to the installation folder of Bonita (/Applications/BonitaBPMCommunity-6.4.2) and start

have fun :slight_smile: