Integrating AngularJS With Bonita BPM

Dear Community,

I am pleased to introduce Philippe Ozil, our new Technical Evangelist. Philippe has been a consultant for Bonitasoft since 2010 and he has been involved in more than 80 customer projects. He knows Bonita BPM more than very well :wink:

In order to start his new mission with some useful content, Philippe just gave a very interesting webinar: “Integrating AngularJS with Bonita BPM”.

It has been recorded and is available on our French corporate website. There will be two other webinars on the same topic:

  • English, 15 October
  • Spanish, 16 October

You can register on Events at if you want to attend.

 and if you like good tutorials, Philippe did a very good article on his brand new GitHub blog :

Let’s finish this article with the first video, available in french:


If you can not attend the English or Spanish webinars, they will be recorded and those videos should be available at the end of October.