Investigation into Disk Usage - question re tmp directory

Hi there,

Bonita Studio 6.3.7, Java, Windows 8.1

just doing a year end clean up and have noted in my Studio Directory a folder using 1.5GB out of a total for the full studio install of 3.2GB.

The folder is %StudioRoot%\workspace\tomcat\bonita\server\platform*tmp*

What is this directory? Being called tmp - I assume it is a folder for temporary files during the execution of Studio…so why is it taking up so much space…?

It has 159 files in it with contents similar to…


My questions are:

  1. Is is safe to delete all files in here without causing a problem with current work etc.

  2. Why does Studio NOT empty this directory on exit if it is temporary?

Many thanks and best regards

From what I can see has been fixed in release 6.4.1

BS-9368 Starting Studio creates mutliple bonita-portal-theme-css folders in tmp directory and then does not delete them

Thanks and regards


The image is too small to be read. Can you provide another one please?

  1. I will wait to know the name of all these files but if you delete these files when the Studio is NOT running, it should be safe.

  2. Good point, in fact as it is in the embedded Tomcat, it should the engine/tomcat/JVM which shoudl be responsible to clean it. Of course, the Studio might force to clean the folder also. Dependeing on which files are left, we migth investigate for one solution or another.


Thanks Aurelien,

Easier if you look on a windows machine at the directory structure as shown…Flickr refuses to save the picture larger…or I don’t know how to do it properly. And Picasa keeps having a fit…not responding…

Any suggestions for a good photo/image sharing site?
