Since I cannot use Business Data because it cannot fetch data from my own existing database (which is a little limiting for “business data”), I tried to use REST calls from the UI to fetch data from my own REST server.
However it doesn’t work at all, nothing happens. No error in the console, just no data is fetched.
I try to call this server using various URLs:
- absolute URL, including domain (https://my.server.com/my_api/my_data)
- relative URL, I installed my REST application on the bonita tomcat and use URLs such as : …/…/my_api/my_data.
It doesn’t work. I created a text field to display such variables, it is empty.
If I call the above URL directly from the browser, I get the expected JSON data.
Is this “external api” stuff stupidly limited to URL under …/API ?
If yes how can I solve my problem ?