hi guys,
I would like to developpe a rest api to create / edit / delete data from the business data model.
I tried to use DAO object. but in bonitasoft, DAO are designed only to read data.
Any suggestion or solution to this problem ?
This is an exemple of DAO :
public interface ApprovalDAO
extends BusinessObjectDAO
public Approval findByPersistenceId(Long persistenceId);
public List findByApprover(String approver, int startIndex, int maxResults);
public List findByVote(Boolean vote, int startIndex, int maxResults);
public List findByComment(String comment, int startIndex, int maxResults);
public List find(int startIndex, int maxResults);
public Long countForFindByApprover(String approver);
public Long countForFindByVote(Boolean vote);
public Long countForFindByComment(String comment);
public Long countForFind();
public Approval newInstance();