Is it possible to launch an exterior script or program at a specific step ?

Hello everyone,

I’m discovering Bonita BPM…
Do you know if it is possible to launch an exterior script or program (on windows for example) ?
For example, I would like to launch a .bat file (DOS script) or .exe file at a specific step of my process.

Thanks in advance !
Best Regards


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Yes it is possible,

use a Script Connector → System Script.

Here you can run all the system commands (based on privileges of course)


Hello Sean McP

Thanks for your answer, it works ! (on the task, sheet “Execution, Connectors out, Add, category Script, System Script”).
This is thus for a local system command.

Has Bonita a specific option so as to execute easily a distant system command ?
For example, my Bonita is installed in my PC and I have an access to a Linux Server (with a graphical emulator, or a text emulator such as Putty), in which i work in a BASH mode. Then, I would like to run bash commands on my Linux Server. Is it possible too ?

Thanks again.
Best Regards


I’m looking for the same.Somebody has any idea!1

From a strictly security perspective, no. This would not be part of Bonitasoft.

You could do it by having a script as follows

process executes scripta.vbs

scripta.vbs (for example) goes and does this:

this one has a full script type of thing…

Note: many answers also suggest you use SSL - I’ll leve this for you to investigate,

Hope the above helps,