Is posible to relaunch a failed task/case?

Hi experts,

We’re using Community Edition 7.3.3.

Customer is asking if it’s possible to relaunch a failed task or case. I think that is not possible in Community, but don’t know exactly in the other releases.

Can you help me?


Yes this is not available on the CE edition, it’s only available on the Subscription one.


Hi Jose,

I’ve just made a quick test to check. You can replay a failed activity or connector with the ProcessAPI.

Look what I’ve done :

  1. Start a process that sends a mail, connected to localhost:25, and with a FakeSmtp server not started. That way the connector fails.
  2. Created a new “Admin” process that : 1- type in the task ID you want to replay, 2- execute a script “apiAccessor.processAPI.retryTask(Long.parseLong(taskIdToReplay))”
  3. Start the FakeSmtp server
  4. Get the faild task id
  5. Launch the “Admin” process, type the ID
  6. The connector is reexecuted and the mail is sent :slight_smile:

With the Community edition you cannot do it in the portal, but you can create batchs or scripts to replay failed tasks / connectors manually


Thanks Lionel,
Could you post some screenshot/doc to show it?

Really helpful, Pierre. Thanks!

Hi Pierre,
I’m reproducing exactly your test case (by the way, thanks a lot for introducing me FakeSmtp, it’s great!).
When FakeSmpt is down, my task fail when sending the email (it’s a connector-in), but I don’t know how to get the failed task id, as the case seems to die after the connector fails.

The activity might be in failed state. To get it, switch to Administrator mode, and check for Failed Cases. Select one failed task, and check in the URL (like : http://localhost:8080/bonita/portal/homepage#?isarchived=false&**id=20096**&_p=taskmoredetailsadmin&_pf=2 )

Great! I did it! Thanks a lot Pierre!