Issue in resolving dependency inside groovy script

Hi All,

1.I have created connector and chosen groovy script .
In the script I have add below lines of code

Sql sql = BonitaSql.newInstance(dbHost,“root”, “sa”, new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver());
sql.executeInsert("insert into emp (name, age) " + “VALUES (‘xyz’,32)”);

But it is throwing exception
Script7.groovy: 21: unable to resolve class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

How to resolve this problem, how can i resolve this dependency ?

Thanks in advance

you must click on configure button, in the studio, select Process dependencies and check the jdbc driver. If it’s not displayed in the list, you must add it.
Hope it helps

Thanks karim for your response, it worked.

Hi Karim,

Step 1. I have created a multi-instance task.
Step 2. Let suppose there are three users and I have assigned three different task to three different user thru multi -instance task.
Step 3. Now I want to check the state of each task. And I also want to assign any of the task to any other user if it has not been taken.
So can you please help me how can i achieve this ?
