JDBC Datasource connector to Insert into a database with a prepared statement
Author : Frederic KREBS
Bonita BPM version : 6.5.3
Example works with
- Postgresql
- Bonita BPM 6.5.3
Example installation
- Execute the sql script in your Posgresql database : script_db_postgresql.sql
- Deploy the process on your Bonita BPM 6.5.3 server : example_preparedStatementInsertConnector-01.00.00.bos
- Configure your datasource :
** edit the tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/bonita.xml
** add a new datasource like the “Start for the PreparedStatement connector Example”
- Set the datasource parameter in the process parameter configuration (working example: dbDatasourceName = tmpTest01DS)
- Run the process
- Fill and validate the Insert form
- View the resulting Id in the View activity
- Add a process data to set the resultID after the insert statement : let’s name it ID
- Import the connector in your studio :
- Change the JNDI Name to access your datasource
- Edit the prepared statement
- Set the parameter list. For each :
** add a Type (String, Integer,Double or Date)
** add an order which will respect the prepared statement field order
** add a value : WARNING : the value is only a String , it will be cast inside the connector: this is a conception choice !
For the Date type, format the String (YYYY-MM-DD)
- In the output operations, select your ID variable (which will take the generatedKey value)
See the following screen shot to understand the connector configuration :
- I need more types. How to ?
Update the connector implementation - I want to change the datasource : How to ?
** edit your bonita.xml
** change your process configuration parameter
Repository URL :