Hello community
By default, Bonita uses jQuery v1.6.4 on Portal and all process pages. I would like to use some custom widgets, which require jQuery v1.8+
Is there any way to upgrade jQuery version? I tried manually change BonitaConsole.html file, but look&feel crashes…
Thanks in advance,
Going through ALL the HTML files will probably be rather painful…and not work.
You could try, though be very careful and use a “dummy” test version of Studio/Portal, doing this:
- Open folder {BonintaInstallFolder}\workspace\tomcat\webapps\bonita\portal\scripts\jquery
- Rename jquery-1.6.4.js to jquery-1.6.4.js**.old**
- Copy jquery-1.8.x.js to the folder
- Rename jquery-1.8.x.js to jquery-1.6.4.js
- Restart your system
- And try it out…
Very NOT supported by Bonitasoft so the test is on your own 
Let us know how it goes…
Otherwise I suggest opening an IDEA asking for jquery to be made upgradable.
PERSONALLY I think Bonitasoft are so far behind the current implementation of jQuery they need to upgrade to 3.1 in the next release of the software. Yes a major change, but one that shouldn’t affect customers… 
PS: While I understand this may not be the answer you are looking for it does answer your question, please mark as resolved by ticking the tick mark on the left of this reply so others now it is closed.