Leverage low-code for customized user interfaces: The New Bonita UI Builder is here!


This month we explored with @marcantoinep Product Manager at Bonitasoft our latest tool called Bonita UI Builder that will help us -a lot- to create user interfaces! :rocket:

During this webinar, we hosted a 30min demo to show how to:
:one: Create a new user interface from scratch
:two: Interact with data and the process business logic
:three: Customize the UI appearance with a theme
:four: Change the interface dynamically
:five: Deploy an application

Also, we were able to answer to some questions from the audience such as:
:question: How can I access UI builder and what is the cost?
:question: Is UI Builder available on Community Edition?
:question: Is it possible to apply a “corporate identity” to my interfaces?
:question: How would you link a human task to a form build with UI Builder?
:question: Where can I find tutorials?
:question: How do you know which Bonita APIs to call?
:question: Is Docker mandatory for using UI Builder?
:question: What is the link between UI Builder and UI Designer?
:question: Is it possible to design a separate front-end application and communicate with the engine?
:question: What will happen to UI Designer?

Did you miss it?
Don’t worry! → :video_camera: WATCH THE REPLAY!

Good to know: Post also available in FRENCH and SPANISH

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