Load Test in Bonita 7.1.3

Recently I’ve been working with Bonita load testing using JMeter and capturing HTTP requests using BlazeMeter.
Already performed tests with the version 5.7.2 and had good results, were only needed identify a few "keys " that exist in requests.
In the version 6.5.4 , the requests are not captured :frowning: so I chose to continue with the 7.1.3 version .

In version 7.1.3 managed to capture the requests and run the test, it was also necessary to replace some “keys”. The login in the application functions normally , however, some tasks as Process Start and Run a task are not executed. After execute requests related to “perform a task”, for example, on the homepage only shows the message " The task was assigned to the user X" but the task is not performed. I believe that some requests are not taken , or how Bonita implements these steps is internal e don’t involves some HTTP request and I don’t how to check how Bonita implements these steps.

Has anyone ever experienced this? Has anyone tried to run loda tests on the latest versions of Bonita?

Thank you for your answer, but what I want is more like to automatically instantiate and run process from Bonita BPM Portal. That was what I did in version 5.7.2.

I’m not sure I real understand your load test scenario. Do you want to automatically instantiate and run process from Bonita BPM Portal or do you want to instantiate and run process using Bonita BPM Engine REST API?

First option will test the global solution performance whereas the second will focus only on the Engine (and obviously all components it depends on such as database).

Note that after instantiation, Engine answer immediately with process instance id but first steps might not yet be available as execution is asynchronous. So one solution would be do to some polling on Engine to identify when next step is available (note polling can impact overall Engine performance). A better solution would be to use Events Handlers (subscription edition only) so that Engine can let your testing framework when task is ready.

Hope that help.

Yes, the test just repeat the same http request that the Portal send.
The test script is here , and the process just have 2 tasks.

If my understanding is correct your testing tool doesn’t actually simulate interaction with Portal web pages but rather just send the same call as the Portal would.

Can you share your test script (and test process) so I can try to identify what is missing?