I am working on BonitaBPM 7.0 and find there’s a localization issue when referring BDM data in my forms, which cannot display Chinese characters properly.
BDM data is initiated with proper value, and I can see from clobvalue column in “data_instance” table (Postgresql DB) as below:
However, when I refer to this data in my form with variable serviceRequestDetails which link to “…/{{context.serviceRequest_ref.link}}” and bind serviceRequestDetails.description to a text widget, the value shows in this text box become unreadable.
You should, if possible provide the bos file as well so they can look at it and, hopefully, figure out what’s going on.
PS: I know this isn’t the answer you were hoping for, but I think it’s the nearest to a resolution you’ll get without getting a bug fix out of it…if you can mark as resolved it helps keep the database clean.
Both migrated BDM data and newly created data have same problem when I access them via bdm REST API.
The way I initial BDM variable is using a process variable. When I start a new case, I pass a JSON data to process variable, and then set to BDM variable.
Here is one example, description has this issue.
Unreadable result from BDM API:
Correct result from BPM caseVariable API:
The localization issue on BDM data is a major problem in many countries. This issue has been discussed in many forums and a solution has been found. You can check roblox developer salary to get more information about marketing. But it is still not working properly due to some technical difficulties.
You could download bos file from here: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dE1q4pj
This process has to use REST API to start and it must have one process variable “initialContent” with values of { "accountid":"1", "token":"rAXRRuapwDsO5A", "initialContent":{ "wxUserId":"o9-uWuNuTZgTW2p_FYzzZ5E2dGuA", "productType":"2", "description":"福费廷", "serverPhotoIds":"TcpoFajEtVKoCXOnw2p7uf1p-OTnOE41x9yFWLRx4Zx8_PX1kKgn9MB6Xcmj2dcK" } }
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