Loop on Task - how to provide the condition?


I just want to test to loop a task. But: it doesn’t matter what I write into “loop while” the tasks does not loop. Even something like “1==1” is ignored. Can someone provide a example? I’m usind Bonita Community Studio 7.7

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Hello, check the documentation here and let us know if you need further help on this.

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Of course I read that.
“In the Loop while field, specify the condition for continuing to loop. Define the condition as an expression. Here may use a provided variable named loopCounter.”

As you can read in my first post, i tried it. So the sentence isn’t really helpful, if even the easiest expression as 1==1 is not working.
BTW: Ieven logged my expression and the log said: true.
So why doesn’t it work?

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Here is the screenshot. [https://imgur.com/a/LmI4RBw]: https://imgur.com/a/LmI4RBw

I tried true also, didn’t changed a thing

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Ok, I solved it and it’s weird. The task is running, BUT: after I click submit for this task, I get the message: all done!

If I press reload or relog the task is active again. This might be a showstopper for us, if this behavior is unchangeable. Please tell me, I can change that! I don’t want a message “all done” for an iterative-task and he had to be stay active without reloading.

This is a unacceptable useability.

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Difficult to say without seeing the process, could you share it? Screenshot(s) of the condition configuration could also help if you prefer.

Another test would be to try with the “true” value instead of “1==1” expression.

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Could you try clicking on the pencil icon on the far right of the expression input field, selecting the script type from the left of the expression editor dialog and entering “return true”?

I did.


Loop While

But after one execution:

all done

Is that because the task is role-dependent? Hope not.

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Your configuration looks fine.

Did you check if the case is really moving forward? I do not have the full picture here but it could be blocked due to a connector failure for example

Did you check if a new task has been created and your user is not part of its candidates? This could happen depending on the actor mapping/filter in place.

The Administrator perspective of the Portal will definitely helps you investigate further on this. Let us know!

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Thank you for the feedback. So if I understand well the process was no issue but the TaskList page that displays the task to the end-user.

This complementary page is provided by default in the Portal for your convenience. It actually does not request all the time the current listing of the available task for performance concerns. If you want to extend this behavior, you can totally do that and use your own version of the page as a custom page. The source code of this page is available here for the Community edition.


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