Migrate 6.x studio and platform to current version


I’ve read the documentation on migrating an earlier version of Bonita BPM to current version, however, I’m a confused on the steps.

Do I have to install Bonita 7.x studio and platform or can I just import the process from earlier version to current version?

Hi Michele,

The answer depends on whether you wish to conserve runtime data. For instance if you have a Bonita platform (Execution Engine and Portal) set up with running and archived process instances that you do not want to loose then migrating your platform is mandatory.
However, if you do not have such an environment or if keeping these data does not matter you can just discard the Platform and install a new one with a more recent version.

Now for development resources (process diagrams, forms, connectors…), these can just be imported in a more recent Studio. The migration process is automated.

Hope this helps,