Hi, Im using 5.10 version. I have a deployed process with some instances launched, but I need modify a process var because it not allow continue the process.
I’ve been testing in the database scheme bonita_journal, and I see that I can modify var values here, but the var I want modify is a complex type (class), and I need modify a class attribute.
Some easy way to do it?
Thanks and regards
you can achieve this using Bonita API. There is a method that allows to set a process instance variable, but you can check the javadoc for other methods, as well.
Hope this helps
If you have very few number of instances that are started (for example around 10) why you don’t start new instances with the good variable value ? And the other “bad” instances you cancel/resume them ?!
I think it is not recommended to change value directly on the database.
Have you check if you cannot use the repair API present on 5.10 version ?