Moving application to portal

Hello all,
I recently built my first process application. I built it in studio on a different computer then my production portal. I’m sure this is simple but can anyone explain the process of moving the application from the studio to my portal? I can’t seem to get it figured out.

In order to deploy your application in production you first need to build/export all the artifacts that all together makes the application. That includes processes definition, business data models, applications descriptor…

In order to get the application descriptor for Bonita versions before 7.5.0, you need to:

  • access the Studio embedded Portal
  • login as an administrator
  • switch to administrator view
  • switch to Applications tab
  • in the application list click on Export button next to your application

To deploy it on the production server:

  • access the production Portal
  • login as an administrator
  • switch to administrator view
  • switch to Applications tab
  • click on Import button and select the previously exported application XML file

Remember also to deploy Business Data Model, REST API extensions, process definitions, pages… before deploying the application (actually in can be done after but it’s always best to deploy artifacts after theirs dependencies).

Did you create your application in the Studio using the Development → Application Descriptor menu (available since version 7.5.0) or did you create it using the Portal embedded in your Studio?

I created it with the embedded portal, i was on version 7.4.3. I just upgraded to 7.5.1 yestersday.