Multiple message recipients


correlating intermediate messages only a single instace is processed (even multiple instances match the correlation condition. seems ok - in the documentation it's stated the intermediate messages are intended for point-to-point communication). Signals are actually received by ALL listening instances.

Is there a way to correlate signal events? (so only a subset of instancess will process it). Or let the signal carry some data..

Thanks .. Gabriel



No, there is no correlation for signals (from BPMN specification). And for now signals cannot carry data.


From the BPMN and Bonitasoft docs I assumed so much, but I couldn't be sure - what if there could be a workaround (an extension) or I misunderstood something :) Thank you very much for your time and answer.

Yes, I know that there is a lot of documentation to read and many concepts to learn :)

The community is always happy to help people!