I’m trying to get the values from a mysql DB into a select list as possible values. I have created a connector to the database that works. I store the results in a process variable java object = java.util.list called hrcAfdelingen
Now i want to use this list as possible values in my form but i don’t know how to get these values. I have tried just putting hrcAfdelingen in the possible values, but that didn’t work.
Any suggestions ?
I’m working with bonitasoft BPM 7 community edition
In your form, you need to add a variable (I will call this variable “MyList”) with the type “External API” and the value “…/API/bpm/activityVariable/{{taskId}}/XXXX” where you replace XXXX by the name of your list in your process.
Then, in your select widget, you set the “Available values” field with “MyList.value” to get the values in your list.
I am trying to connect Mysql DBMS with the latest connector and all but its not working. The data is not being saved to database.
What kind of issue is this…?
I had already worked tru the getting started tutorial, and al the steps are working. But i cant seem to find where i can connect the result set of my mysql connector to my available values of my select list
I found this in the documentation but i can’t seem to find an example on how to :
In Bonita BPM 6.x, you could add a connector to a form. This is no longer possible with forms created with the UI designer. To achieve the same result, create a REST API extension.
I found my problem. If i do the same but not on my initial form, it works perfectly, but in my initial form, i get nothing. Do i have to work with an initial form ? Or can i skip this step ?
Thank you, you seem to know much and for i starter like me it is very helpfull so thank you for your help.
If i dont want to use the initial step, can i just leave it blank or must i do something to progress the process to the first form ?
the first page always comes up in 6 at least (not sure about 7), it just depends on what you want to do with it.
With a process that is started by a human I have a front introductory page that introduces the process, sometimes the user doesn’t want to do this one so can cancel out, and there are no-orphaned processes left behind.
Bonitasoft empowers development teams with Bonita, the open-source and extensible platform to solve the most demanding process automation use cases. The Bonita platform accelerates delivery of complex applications with clear separation between capabilities for visual programming and for coding. Bonita integrates with existing solutions, orchestrates heterogeneous systems, and provides deep visibility into processes across the organization.