- Bonita Portal will be removed from the Bonita platform
- Users interfaces will be based on Bonita applications only
So, in addition to the fully extensible and customizable Bonita User and Bonita Administrator applications, there will be 2 new default applications:
- Super Administrator
- Bonita Application Directory
Custom profiles available in Bonita Enterprise Edition are evolving as well.
Monday July 12th at 17h30 CEST - 11:30am EDT - 08:30am PDT
Mardi 13 juillet à 11h00 CEST
El martes 13 de julio a las 16.00 CEST
If you're a developer, you will learn how to customize all types of applications and how to benefit from user-friendly and customizable error pages.
If you're already using or administrating Bonita Portal, you will see how much easier and more consistent the new Bonita applications are compared to what you were using before.
If you're just discovering Bonita, you'll have the chance to learn about new features prior to the upcoming release.
Everyone will have the opportunity to try our Bonita 2021.2 Beta release which includes these features, and it will make your testing easier.