Oracle database connection with BonitasoftBPMCommunity gives me an problem.

Hello Sir,
I am using BonitaBPMCommunity 6.3.3,windows 8,oracle 10g.
I am trying to connect my process and form’s with oracle but it gives me error like:
org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.connector.ConnectorExecutionException: USERNAME=install | org.bonitasoft.engine.core.connector.exception.SConnectorException: org.bonitasoft.engine.connector.exception.SConnectorException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.bonitasoft.engine.connector.exception.SConnectorException: org.bonitasoft.engine.connector.ConnectorException: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected

Can you please provide me a solution.

Sushant Bhoite.


even I am getting this same error!! Were you able to figure it out, Sushant?

It seems that the query in your database connector is not correct. The keyword FROM is missing, misplaced or misspelled.

Solved it! delete <validation> part from standalone.xml.

Let me know if it works for you. Thanks.