Parallel Multi-instantiation

Hello, and thank you so much for your time!
I’m working on setting up a Parallel Multi-instantiation using a restricted list from a Business Object, and I’d greatly appreciate your insights.

Business Data Model (BDM)

  • I have a Business Object named “Document” with the attributes:
    • idDocument
    • revision
    • state
  • Additionally, I have another Business Object called “Liberators”, which includes:
    • idDocument
    • idPerson

Process Design

In the “Liberators” lane, there’s a task called “Liberation.” My goal is to configure a Parallel Multi-instantiation that dynamically pulls from the list of liberators associated with the specific document being processed.
1 Document → Multi Liberators.

If you have any tips or suggestions on how to achieve this, I’d love to hear them!

Hi @ltaboada

It seems that you would need to use as input a List:

From a variable that you would need to create and use a script to initialize it:

Inside the script you’d need to query all your “Liberators” objects linked to your “Document” object. This way all your instances of that task will be created.

For more information, check out the documentation: Iteration | Bonita Documentation

Hope this helps.

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Thanks @thalia.cruz!!!
I ve been reeding the documentation, but I don´t know how to use the variable.
Initially, I am trying to make it fixed, but I can´t make it work.
For example.

Please, can you help me with an example?

i think you need to make list, since return type is list, like :

hey there @ltaboada

@someneedforspeed is right.

I’ve created this video to explain how to use a List for setting the parallel multi-instantiation:

If you’d like to check an example, I’d recommend watching this webinar where I use parallel multi-instantiation and a Single User actor to attribute task instances: All aboard the Bonita Express! Stop #3: Back to school

Hope this helps.


Hola @ltaboada
Estoy viendo con mi equipo para arreglar ese problema que solo aparece en el replay en español. Mientras tanto puedes ver el replay en inglés.
Gracias por tu paciencia y por señalar el problema.

Thanks for the video Thalia…
I tried to do it by my self but I fail :frowning:
I am trying to use a list of user names to asign to a parallel Task but it is not filtered for the users for each user.

For example, in Step 2 I use a list [“giovanna.almeida”,“walter.bates”].

On Step1 I have two instances but anyone can take the step (For example: walter can take two times the Step1).

I need one Step1 for each user.
In the future it should be dinamic.
Can you help me?

Hi @ltaboada

It’s a similar idea. You’d need to use as well a Single User Actor Filter.

Check out this example: Multi-instantiated example It refers to a Github repo as well so you can try it out by yourself.

Hope this helps.

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