I have got a problem/question.
I just want to enter in a page in the UI Designer some text, which is saved in a variable calles “vision” and afterwards I want to display the entered and submitted text in the next step/form/page.
How is it possible to display this value saved in the variable “mission”?
How can I pass the the variable to the next form/page?
Thanks a lot.
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In the world of old Bonitasoft 6 this was easy…but in the new world of Bonitasoft 7 it’s not as easy. It will become easy once you get the concepts right…and the best place to start is the Getting Started Tutorial . This guide has been updated recently, though I still think they could do a better job*.
here are the basics though:
- Create a Business Data Model (Vision)
- Create an Instantiation Form based on (Vision)
- Create the second Human Step (called mission) that uses (Vision)
and there you have the GST in three lines.
Breakdown the GST and read it a couple of times, you will find it becomes easier and you will be able to do exactly what you want from the example in the GST.
NOTE: Ignore everything about the Application though because it’s not totally relevant to the building of your process.
PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark a resolved
***** My reasoning for “could do a better job”. It doesn’t flow well it goes Application->Process->Application
Where as I think it should go Business Need->Process->Applicaiton
The “whole application” could be described better (Business Need)
The Application should be separated completely from the Process i.e.
The travel Request Application with full description and diagram(s)
Chapter 1: The Travel Request Process
1.1 making a request
1.2 authorization of request
Chapter 2: The Application
2.1 making the application
2.2 integrating the process to the application
As I say my thoughts, I understand the way they’ve done it, it’s to give the Business User a warm fuzzy feeling that they can see the “Application” quickly and easily.
But from a development point of view, to me it simply doesn’t work that way, anyhoo…
Thanks for this detailed answer, but I think, my question was meant a bit different.
I am talking about a Form/Page in the UI Designer.
- Page in the UI designer has a field “text” with the variable “vision” → press submit
- Page should display the text, which was entered in the first page in the textfield
I don’t know how to pass the variable from the first page to the second page.
Thanks a lot.
Yes and I’ve told you how to do that.
Once you press submit you go to the next task, that can either be assigned to you (as initiator) or someone else a manager for example as in the GST.
You cannot have a “page variable” that does not return to the process only to be shown on the next page.
You have to go through the process tasks and task links as described in the GST.
Actually I stand corrected - you can though it’s not what Bonitasoft is designed for. You could have a custom Submit widget that saves a cookie then executes a hidden submit button for the form, and then the second page loads the cookie via another custom widget into another local variable.
Hope that helps
PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved