PDFviewer return error 500 after document updated

Dear forum

We did a project with Bonita 7.4.3 community edition and implemented PDFviewer widget from


It worked well until we implemented the document update method from


then all document viewed from PDFviewer widget returned http 500 error.

Do any member has experience and worked around the problem ? any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much for attention.

Best regards

Have you created Issues on Github? Bonitasoft have published these widgets and may support them if you identify the issue.

As it is I’ve not come across this issue.


PS: While this may not be the complete answer you’re hoping for, it does indicate a possible solution, please mark as resolved.

I’m having this problem too. Did you get it resolved?

Hi Sean

My appreciation and I will make a post on github. Thank you veyr much for your support.

Best regards