Permission error

Hi, recently I've encountered a problem with permissions in my process. User can't view BDM in default user application. When I login to the admin account I can see the data. In the console on the user side I can see: Failed to load resource: the http://localhost:8080/bonita/portal/resource/taskInstance/KWU/1.3/MT/API/bdm/businessData/ server responded with a status of 403.
I set up BDM access control for the user but still nothing works. Also the user actor is set correctly.
In the bonita_engine.log is the following error:
[http-nio-8080-exec-10|105] c.b.e.a.PermissionServiceExt - THREAD_ID=105 | HOSTNAME=username| TENANT_ID=1 | Unauthorized access to GET bdm/businessData/ attempted by username, required permissions: [bdm_visualization]
Also I get errors of missing:,,,,,,
But this is only the case when I'm running the process as a user.
Could you help me please?