Platform installation is not completed due to error on createTables.sql execution

I tried to install bonita platform tomcat bundle on centos with remote MSQL database. During the installation i get some error like "Column name actorid doesnt exist in the target table or view".

When i investigate other createTables.sql files for postgress, mySql and H2, all sql sentences are same. Error raised due to actorId variable is not same as UNIQUE( actorid) like below.

CREATE TABLE actormember (
  tenantid INT8 NOT NULL,
  actorId INT8 NOT NULL,
  userId INT8 NOT NULL,
  groupId INT8 NOT NULL,
  roleId INT8 NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE (tenantid, actorid, userId, groupId, roleId),
  PRIMARY KEY (tenantid, id)

When I make a correction as UNIQUE( actorId), error is disappeared but another different error like letter case upper or lower is raised.

Should I make correction to all errors or is there a another way to install platform?

Best Rgds,


I solved the problem. SQL server  databases' collation must be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.
