Please Provide code for get taskname , taskid , current Case id using Bonitasoft api

hello ,

i create one process at i want to mail Admin after task completed following details

**logged User ID
logged User Name
Name of task
Case ID
Task ID **

i found user detail by getIdentityAPI()
but how to find this processes terms .

pl provide specific code or API name

thanks advance for the help

You can also use a variable that is provided by the Bonita BPM Engine that is executing the process. To add a provided variable to an expression, select the variable from the Select a provided variable… drop-down list.

  • activityInstanceId: the identifier of the activity (step or subprocess) instance
  • processInstanceId: the identifier of the process instance

Hope this helps,

Thank you so much for your reply . i got all answer.
but again just one query .

process variable : UserloggedID i can use with API accessor to get user detail like name , contact and all
but actually i want that specific user id .

each user’s static unique id . so whenever i want to call any users detail it would be easy .

i tried to just print “loggeduserID” variable but it seems to error .
so how to resolve it . ??

thanks in advance

loggedUserID is the identifier of the user who is performing an activity at the time when the expression is evaluated, so it can only by used on human tasks and it will have a value during the execution of a human task.

ok , Thank you