pop up notification

Dear All
I want to create a notification like notify-send in ubuntu or notifu.exe in windows while a new task assigns to a user in Bonita portal. I write a python script that scrapes a “http://localhost:8080/bonita/portal” link. that is my solution. but it does not work. how can I show a notification while a new task assign to a user? is there any other solution?
any help is acceptable.


You don’t want to use anything that is platform (MAC Windows Android) focused.

I would try to add a jquery or javascript notification similar to these tools:



PS: While I understand this may not be the answer you are looking for it does answer your question, please mark as resolved by ticking the tick mark on the left of this reply so others now it is closed.

Ok so you didn’t like the first answer, here’s another.

The simple fact is you are talking two different technologies.

The notification is local system only, it is part of the local machine and not server based and cannnot be activated by a web page.

I can think of only one way it will work.

You will need to do the following:

Write a program/script that connects to the Bonitasoft database from the client, and read all task records, if there is a record for this user then activate via a call to notifyu.exe with the message.

You would need to distribute this program to every PC on your network through whatever mechanism you use to manage your PC’s.

You would also need to schedule the program/script to run every ? minute(s).

This way people will get notified even if they do not have a browser open.

That’s the only way to do it I can think of.

Note, this is a dreadful way of doing it though,

  1. security - every PC will have to read the Bonita database.
  2. performance - every PC will have to read the Bonita database

How many PCs, 500, 1000?

Imagine the hit on the DB every ? minute.

Anyway this is the only way I can think of doing it.


PS: this does answer your question,so you can now mark it as resolved.

these are the pop-up on the browser,so, it is not the answer to my question. I want to show notification on the taskbar. how can I add this feature to bonita BPM especially in bonita portal when a new task assign to a user?

thank you so much for your answer, it was very useful. I have another solution ,I have written a python script which it was using BeautifulSoup library. this script runs in the background and investigates the task list table in bonita portal. as soon as a new task comes, the notification shows a message for that client. this script is platform independent and can run on both Linux and windows OS.

How can i connect to the database when the application is running and see the task list of each user?
Do you have any script or any idea?


This question doesn’t make sense. If you already havea solution that works why would you need to connect to the database?

Or is this a different question, totally unrelated to the one about notifications?
