I’ve moved on - using postgres, stock, in a new, clean 7.2.2 studio
script looks like this:
import groovy.sql.Sql;
def result=[];
Sql sql = BonitaSql.newInstance("jdbc:postgres://", "bonita_db_user", "bpm", new org.postgresql.Driver());
Trying to do this as simply and straightforward, stock, out-of-the-box as possible.
Problem is:
Ambiguous method overloading for method groovy.sql.Sql#.
Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null] due to overlapping prototypes between:
[interface java.sql.Connection]
[interface javax.sql.DataSource]
Can I scream?
Sean, I worked on this… new script accesses data properly. Now just to get it where I want it.
import groovy.sql.Sql;
import java.sql.Driver;
def list=;
Sql sql=BonitaSql.newInstance(“jdbc:postgresql://”,“bonita_db_user”,“bpm”, new org.postgresql.Driver())
sql.eachRow(“select * from customer”) {
list += it.customerid;
list += it.customer;
list += it.password_open;
list += it.password_encrypted;
list += it.buyfor1;
list += it.buyfor2;
list += it.buyfor3;
list += it.buyfor4;
list += it.buyfor5;
list += it.lastchanged_date;
list += it.created_date;
return list;
Your about a 12 hours time-zone differential from me but I’d love to pick your brain…
Soon as possible for me - I’m stuck.
Let me know
This is a better way of moving a db table to a BDM:
import myBDM;
//get the data into a resultset from the db of your choice
myBDM newBDO = new myBDM();
newBDO.setId = resultset.getInt(“Id”);
newBDO.setDescription = resultset.getString(“Description”);
newBDO.setStatus = resultset.getint(“Status”);
From a post I forgot about…
PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark a resolved
I’ve submitted a bug report. I can’t get it to work either…
not a problem, 12 hours? That’s a long way - Hawaii?
was being a bit facetious - I’m in Ontario, Canada. Are you available for a call?
Ah only 7 hours…sure we can talk next week I can’t today as I’m off to an Embassy for a well earned beverage. Something that doesn’t happen very often in this country which is dry. Hope that’s OK.
Got it thanks,
will reply off this forum via LI to ensure confidentiality.
Not a problem,
to help things quickly, can you write something in a word document (or whatever you use) add it to a share somewhere and I will work on it over the weekend.
sent a linkedin request
I’ll put my document together