postgresql bonitasql connection

I’ve moved on - using postgres, stock, in a new, clean 7.2.2 studio

script looks like this:

import groovy.sql.Sql;

def result=[];

Sql sql = BonitaSql.newInstance("jdbc:postgres://", "bonita_db_user", "bpm", new org.postgresql.Driver());

Trying to do this as simply and straightforward, stock, out-of-the-box as possible.

Problem is:

Ambiguous method overloading for method groovy.sql.Sql#.
Cannot resolve which method to invoke for [null] due to overlapping prototypes between:
[interface java.sql.Connection]
[interface javax.sql.DataSource]

Can I scream?


Sean, I worked on this… new script accesses data properly. Now just to get it where I want it.

import groovy.sql.Sql;
import java.sql.Driver;
def list=;
Sql sql=BonitaSql.newInstance(“jdbc:postgresql://”,“bonita_db_user”,“bpm”, new org.postgresql.Driver())
sql.eachRow(“select * from customer”) {
list += it.customerid;
list += it.customer;
list += it.password_open;
list += it.password_encrypted;
list += it.buyfor1;
list += it.buyfor2;
list += it.buyfor3;
list += it.buyfor4;
list += it.buyfor5;
list += it.lastchanged_date;
list += it.created_date;
return list;



Your about a 12 hours time-zone differential from me but I’d love to pick your brain…

Soon as possible for me - I’m stuck.

Let me know


This is a better way of moving a db table to a BDM:

import myBDM;

//get the data into a resultset from the db of your choice


myBDM newBDO = new myBDM();
newBDO.setId = resultset.getInt(“Id”);
newBDO.setDescription = resultset.getString(“Description”);
newBDO.setStatus = resultset.getint(“Status”);


From a post I forgot about… :slight_smile:


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark a resolved


I’ve submitted a bug report. I can’t get it to work either…


not a problem, 12 hours? That’s a long way - Hawaii?

was being a bit facetious - I’m in Ontario, Canada. Are you available for a call?

Ah only 7 hours…sure we can talk next week I can’t today as I’m off to an Embassy for a well earned beverage. Something that doesn’t happen very often in this country which is dry. Hope that’s OK.


Sean - folder Sean in my shared drive.

Got it thanks,

will reply off this forum via LI to ensure confidentiality.


Not a problem,

to help things quickly, can you write something in a word document (or whatever you use) add it to a share somewhere and I will work on it over the weekend.


sent a linkedin request

I’ll put my document together
