PostgreSql query with INSERT INTO ... RETURNING

I executed an sql query like this on a postgresql database using pgsql connector:

INSERT INTO tablename (column1,column2) VALUES (‘value1’,‘value2’) RETURNING id

where ‘id’ is a unique identifier (BIGSERIAL) for the record in my database table ( ). I tryed to get the value of ‘id’, but the ResultSet returned by the query is null. If I execute the query in pgAdminIII, I get the correct ‘id’. I use Bonita Studio Community 6.5 on Ubuntu 14.04 64b. Anyone can help me?

this is probably a driver issue, have you tried using a Stub JAVA Program to execute a single Insert statement. Does that work and give you what you expect?

If this works then possibly something with the connector, of not then the driver…


Thank you for replay. PostgreSql JDBC driver seems okay from version 8.4 Maybe the issue related to use of executeUpdate() instead of executeQuery()? ( )

Hi Sean McP, I tried to compile a standalone java class that performs INSERT - RETURNIG statement and all works fine. ResultSet is returned not null and I get “id” key with PostgreSQL 9.2 and postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar driver. Regards