Hi everybody,
I have a problem with file widget in a form. When do i upload a file, this apears duplicate in the documents section of Bonita User xp in the administration panel.
How is it possible?
Is there any option to control this duplicate?
Hello again,
Apparently a text area component caused this duplication by assigning its value to a variable. Create a dummy process with only a widget file and works correctly, so I started to remove the widgets related to the way the widget file where the problem occurred, so I gave in which he had a text area that caused this problem.
This area of text records the value declared in the variable eliminated the association transient if it worked, when I came to associate the widget variable, were duplicated files.
The solution was to remove the widget and recreate again, with satisfactory results.
I work with v5.10.1 of Bonita.
thank you very much for the details.