Hello, I have a problem when use a connector with mysql, I want to make a massive delete in a table but using an editable grid of bonita.
I explain the problem, i´m doing a connector from bonita for making a function of delete in mysql, but the condition that used in the where of delete, leads parameters and these parameters are taken of the editable grid and more specified of the second column of the editable grid, but when i execute the process, this connector it doesn´t do nothing.
I don´t know if the problem it should to that bonita don´t permit send to mysql all the string that contain of the function delete, being that in mysql if allowed this consult no matter how many numbers of delete which are.
someone may help me? I apreciate your help. Thanks
Have you tried to use logging to focus on the correct error ? what error message do you have precisely ?
You should be able to access the data from the editable grid as if it were a List<List<String>>.
Let say you have a pool data "myListOfList" of type java.util.List, and that your edit grid is configured with output operation as myListOfList taking the value field_editgrid.
Then imagine the next step is a human task to show the SQL statement: you can build this delete with a groovy script that would use myListOfList.get(0).get(0); to get the first row / first column value of your editable grid.
Be careful as each data typed in the editable grid is a String, so if your SQL statement needs other datatype, you will have to thing about data conversion.
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