Problem with next form

Hi, I’m beginner in BonitaSoft so it will be simple for You.

I need a resolve this problem:

In the first form user give some data in his form ( select data, text area, radio button etc.)

Now I want make another form in the next step with data from previous step to read only and add another widgets.

But if I do It there are no data from user but only empty widgets.

Could You help me fix this problem?


In your Pool you need to create a variable for each of your field.
Then in your first form, for each field you need to set the return value (in Data tab) using the variable that you create previously.
Finally, in your second form, you can use the variable that contains the value now.


the solution mentioned by Yannick is working.
Please ensure that:

  • you set correctly the output operation in first form form
  • you are using Process data and not Step or Form transient data
  • you correctly set the initial value from Data tab on each widget for the second form.


Thanks Guys for Your help. I made a new diagram and new form and it worked.

thanks a lot

Best regardes

I don’t know if you can do that. But why do it anyway?
if you want to look the info YOU JUST TYPED you have the “go back” button.
I think the variables are not set until you confirm the form at the end, so what you want to do would be impossible unless you model something on the same form and hide things (and lock if you want) with javascript.

I thought that he already tried that and the variables weren’t set between forms in the same task. As i never used that i didn’t tried it out. thanks for correcting me