If i configure my Bonita in "bonita-client.properties" to http api type. The http api doesn't work ( server doesn't respond), are there any changes which i also have to do?Are there any other documents which could help me?
#org.bonitasoft.engine.api-type = LOCAL<p class="rteindent1"> # HTTP<br /> org.bonitasoft.engine.api-type = HTTP<br /> server.url = http://localhost:8080<br /> application.name = bonita</p> <p class="rteindent1"> # Remote: EJB3 / JBoss 5<br /> #org.bonitasoft.engine.api-type = EJB3<br /> #java.naming.factory.initial = org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory<br /> #java.naming.provider.url = jnp://localhost:1099</p>
Is there a Web REST API documentaion for bonita 6.x like for bonita 5.x ( http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/javadoc/rest/5.7/API/index.html )?
Thanks for any hint ;-)