Process Simulation fails with blank reason 'Something went wrong during simulation Reason:'

I’m creating a simple process to record meter readings and attempting to simulate the process to try and perform optimum resource utilization.

When I configure a load profile and attempt to run the simulation I get an error dialog saying:

Something went wrong during simulation

I’m trying this on the Bonita BPM Community Edition
Version : 6.5.1
Build id : 6.5.1.
Copyright © Bonitasoft S.A., 2009-2015

Attempted a google search for the error message but without much luck.

Can anyone please help. Thanks

It was a null ptr exception while trying to create/load(can’t remember which one) a resource.

After I posted this question, I found a blog which seemed to be written by a developer for Bonita Soft in Spanish which said that the latest version 6.5.* had this problem - So I did the same on the previous version 6.4.* and it did work fine.

So my issue as such is resolved (I needed it for a report that I was submitting for university) but you might want to resolve this in the version 6.5



Which errors do you have in the Studio log (Help → show studio log)?
