Process synchonization


I would like to synchronize multiple processes so that they can advance only when this is the right time.
I first try to use signals to do that but there is some throw signal error. So I abandoned this idea.

Did someone know how I can do for processes to wait an event before advancing to another task ?

I have a process A that change state (state 1 => state 2 => state 3 => …) and mutliple instance of process B that can only advance if process A is in the good state (they need to wait process A).

Thanks in advance for you help.

you might use message events. They would allow you to start other processes but also to wait for messages received from other processes before advancing. You can use correlation to make sure that correct process instance will consume your message (unlike signals that are consumed by all currently listening catch signal events in any process). As proposed in this answer , you can start from the documentation. I am also joining you a screenshot of a possible synchronisation between two processes, where main process starts a subprocess after Step1 but does not execute Step3 before subprocess is completed.
Hope this helps,
Haris !

Message send information from one to one process.
What I need is to send information form one to many processes. (like signal but they doesn’t work)
Can I do that with message ?

I can’t see your screenshot, the site is blocked by my proxy.

Trying with another upload server:
You are right, messages are sent to one specific target pool, not many. In your case, you might consider using API in order to instantiate/move other different processes at the same time.
If you encountered some problems with signals, did you post a question/problem, so that we can see if we could help you (they should work :))?

Yes I open a thread a month ago :

I also contacted Bonitasoft but they can’t find why it doesn’t work.

There is someone whose have the same issue here :