Publish Organization -> Error during Synchronization

Hi there,

In desperate need of help! I’m using bonita for my university project. The portal works fine when using the default ACME organization, however when I try to create and publish my own organization, I’m getting the following error message…

Synchronization Error Message

I was initially using 6.4, but upgraded to 6.5 in the hope of fixing this error.

Currently using the university computers which use Windows 7, using Java v8 update 20.

I did some research on the topic but couldn’t find an answer on here. The only answer I’m seeing is that the group name is too long, however my group names are short.

Any help much appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Woops - didn’t mean to put this as an answer…

I did create a second one yeah. Moved to a new computer today and managed to successfully publish the organization - which was a little confusing but a relief nonetheless. Perhaps it was a java version issue.

However, faced another problem now! It was working okay and I was testing using the portal etc. Then on the most recent ‘Run’, I received a message saying the Actors do not contain any members… Going into the configuration menu, my Actor Mapping screen is now completely blank. Not sure what I can do about this since all the button are greyed out.

<! ![Actor Mapping Blank][Actor Mapping Blank] – Images →
[Actor Mapping Blank]:

If you have a solution to this, that would be great.

If not, I’m happy to dropbox over.


Does the new organization work in Studio?

Did you export it from Studio to get it into Portal?

How did you create your new Organization, by Hand?

Lots of questions, yes, but needed to figure out where you are having a problem.


Hi Sean,

Thanks for the response.

As far as I’m aware I’m working in Studio - I thought Portal was just the online interface where users can interact with tasks etc?

Haven’t exported anything.

Created the organization via the toolbar menu, Organization → Manage → Add , then followed through the Wizard.


Community only allows one Organization, did you create a second? Not sure how that works, or if it fails.

You might find it easier to change the existing rather than create a new.

Make small changes publish and test, repeat…

if you dropbox a copy where I could pick it up I could have a look,


It may seem like an obvious question, but have you verified that your pool has actors defined?

Well this is really bizzare. I closed Bonita for about 20 minutes, came back to it - reloaded the project and the actor mapping was back! I’d tried restarting Bonita prior to that with no luck, so I’ve no idea how or why it fixed itself :-/

For what it’s worth, the thing I did before they disappeared was remove the ‘Employee’ actor in the pool, which was the initiator, and replaced it with something else.

They’ve disappeared again… Anyone have any idea why this is happening? :-/