Relation to java development to BPM

Hi friend ,
I am new to BPM ( bonita ) , I have one simple question business process management development and it’s relation to java development.

For Example : After developing one business process , then what does the java developer does , how to they integrate in the java development , my expectation with java development refers to the generated Jar from bpm tools and move forward in java development by using the inheritance and passing the parameters to the methods like API ?..

Hi Santhoshi,


Java development comes in many areas purely on your requirements. And much of it is done within the Studio Environment as follows:

Global Connectors: Development->Connectors
Global Actors: Development->Actor Filters
Global Scripts: Development->Manage Groovy Scripts Groovy is an extension to Java - Can write Java Code with no issue though
Process Connectors: Pool and Task Connectors in Execution Tab: Connectors In and Connectors Out

In the UI you can also write Java/Angular

Custom Widgets
Custom REST

You may want to write AJAX which is outside of Studio and use Eclipse…

If you check out the Getting Started Tutorial this will give you some ideas.

I would advise reading the documentation and going on Bonitasoft provided courses if you can. These will give you all the information you need.


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