[Résolu] DMN et Bonita


l’OMG a définit un standard complémentaire à BPMN avec DMN (Decision Model and Notation). Comment Bonita se positionne par rapport à ce standard ?

merci bien.


DMN est un standard encore récent, cependant Bonitasoft surveille de près son évolution et mise en application dans l’optique de l’inclure éventuellement dans une prochaine version.

Il est à noter que le BPMN lui même donne la possibilité de modéliser la décision d’une certaine forme (routage par gateway, event, …). Il est donc tout à fait possible de la modéliser dans Bonita via la combinaison du BPMN et des capacité intégrées à la platform :

  • Descripteur de règles** basé sur Groovy, pour définir des règles s'appliquant à tous les points d'exécution (portes, opérations données, validation de contrat, exécution des connecteurs, etc.)
  • Une interface de gestion des règles métier au niveau des portes BPMN
  • Les paramètres pour des cas d'utilisation simples

  • Toutes ces règles peuvent être mises à jour de façon dynamique sur Bonita Runtime avec la fonctionnalité "live updates" (qui n'est disponible qu'en version Enterprise)

    Hello every body

    I have been working with the very good Bonita product for several years

    In Enterprise projects that require multiple changes and decisions by the user should be based on the standard DMN
    I need to be able to easily develop decisions and make decisions quickly and easily by the server and be easily changed by the user.

    I repeat, I think this is a very, very important need, which may have been developed by another product in the process, but Bonita has done it in its own way, not by the standard.

    I request that this important item be included in the new version of the Bonita product

    Best Regards,



    DMN and BPMN Processes

    Perhaps you're thinking:

    Hey, why should I use DMN anyway, I can express those rules with BPMN gateways!

    If we express the example above in BPMN, it looks like this:

    The sorrow is obvious: It's way more verbose to express rules in BPMN, especially when there are several conditions to consider. The diagram becomes complex and hard to maintain.

    That is why BPMN includes a so-called business rule task, which should better be named decision task in a later version of the BPMN standard: That task refers to a decision that needs to be made, and the outcome of the decision allows the subsequent exclusive gateway to route the flow, as you can see in the example below.

    During modeling as well as execution, we can link the task "Decide Dish" to the DMN decision table, that will be executed when the decision should be made, and the result will then determine the further flow in BPMN.

    In this particular example, you could question the use of the flow routing anyway. There are six tasks that are about preparing a meal, the only difference being the kind of meal. There is not apparant advantage of having those six distinct tasks. An alternative pattern would be below:


    Reference : https://camunda.com/dmn/

    It's too easy, right? But in this case, it's in fact an appropriate pattern.

    Combining BPMN with DMN is a very reasonable approach. Unfortunately, it is not yet standardized by OMG. This means, that a reference from a BPMN business rule task to a DMN decision is always vendor specific.



    Si la réponse que je vous ai apportée vous convient, je vous remercie de la valider, cela permet aux autres utilisateurs de la Communauté de vérifier sa qualité.


    Merci bien pour ces précisions qui me conviennent.