According to Docs should get code 400 and explanations when sending wrong contract but instead I get 500. Why?
Log has messages
2015-11-17 08:24:37.117 -0500 doCatch
SEVERE: USERNAME=walter.bates | org.bonitasoft.engine.core.process.instance.api.exceptions.SContractViolationException: Error while validating expected inputs: [Expected input [validationDataInput] is missing]
org.bonitasoft.engine.exception.RetrieveException: USERNAME=walter.bates | org.bonitasoft.engine.core.process.instance.api.exceptions.SContractViolationException: Error while validating expected inputs: [Expected input [validationDataInput] is missing]
Docs says I should get 400
Request url POST |/API/bpm/process/8902137890939378455/instantiation
Request payload
“wrongElement”:“This is not the right contract element”
400 Bad request
“exception”:“class org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.contract.ContractViolationException”,
“message”:"USERNAME=walter.bates | Contract is not valid: ",
“Expected input [ticket_account] is missing”,
“Expected input [ticket_description] is missing”,
“Expected input [ticket_subject] is missing”