REST GET Connector fails with BDM

a REST GET is invoked that returns

The BDM setup to consume this is defined as
Id: Integer
Name: String
IsComplete: Boolean

A pool variable (varToDoItems) is created based on this, and is set to be a List (ie checkbox on Is Multiple)

I then mapped varToDoItems (left hand operand) to “takes value of” bodyAsObject (right hand operand).

The engine log then shows this error -

java.lang.ClassCastException : “java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to org.bonitasoft.engine.bdm.Entity”
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to org.bonitasoft.engine.bdm.Entity
at org.bonitasoft.engine.operation.MergeEntityAction.execute(
at org.bonitasoft.engine.operation.EntitiesActionsExecutor.executeAction(
at org.bonitasoft.engine.operation.BusinessDataAssignmentStrategy.computeNewValueForLeftOperand(
at org.bonitasoft.engine.core.operation.impl.OperationServiceImpl.calculateRightOperandValue(

Would appreciate help~

Pierre Yves Monnet kindly provided the answers -

  1. change the declaration from def to the correct data type
  2. fix the bug of result.add(keyValuePair) to result.add(ob)

the complete script →
List result = new ArrayList()

if (bodyAsObject)
for (keyValuePair in bodyAsObject)
ToDoItem obj = new ToDoItem()
obj.Id = keyValuePair[‘Id’]
obj.Name = keyValuePair[‘Name’]
obj.IsComplete = keyValuePair[‘IsComplete’]


Didn’t want to change the previous line because it contained a couple of other errors (ie key names are camelCase so I was getting nulls)

Here’s the updated one using bodyAsObject


File outputFile = new File(“C:/LocalData/Temp/BonitaTestOnRestGet.txt”)
outputFile.write(“Begin output\n\n”)

// List result = new ArrayList()
List result = new ArrayList()

if (bodyAsObject)
outputFile.append(bodyAsObject.toString() + “\n\n”)
for (keyValuePair in bodyAsObject)
ToDoItem obj = new ToDoItem()
obj.Id = keyValuePair[‘id’]
obj.Name = keyValuePair[‘name’]
obj.IsComplete = keyValuePair[‘isComplete’]
+ obj.getId().toString()
+ obj.getName()
+ obj.isIsComplete().toString() + “\n\n”)
outputFile.write(“empty bodyAsString\n\n”)
return result

There isn’t a lot of info that I see with regards to consuming a json string - so I’m including this version using bodyAsString as well

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

File outputFile = new File(“C:/LocalData/Temp/BonitaTestOnRestGet.txt”)
outputFile.write(“Begin output\n\n”)

JsonSlurper slurper = new JsonSlurper()
List result = new ArrayList()

if (bodyAsString)
outputFile.append(bodyAsString + “\n\n”)
result = slurper.parseText(bodyAsString)
outputFile.append("result as string : " + result.toString() + “\n\n”)
for (keyValuePair in result)
ToDoItem obj = new ToDoItem()
obj.Id = keyValuePair[‘id’]
obj.Name = keyValuePair[‘name’]
obj.IsComplete = keyValuePair[‘isComplete’]
+ obj.getId().toString()
+ obj.getName()
+ obj.isIsComplete().toString() + “\n\n”)
outputFile.write(“empty bodyAsString\n\n”)
return result