Restrict Simultaneous access of Forms

Does Bonita have any inbuilt feature to restrict simultaneous access of forms ?

Need to restrict users from accessing form which is already in use and

  • possibly show a pop-up message to indicate that the form is in use and editing is not allowed or
  • disable the form fields for users when its in use by someone else.

Yes Bonitasoft prevents concurrent access to a task instance form. This implemented as following (assuming that a task can be performed by a group of users):

  • When a user select a task he can view the form but actually can’t interact with it (inputs disable, buttons cannot be clicked).
  • First the user need to click on a “Take” button to assign the task to himself only
  • Once user click on the take button others users cannot take the task anymore (they don’t see it in their task list)
  • Clicking on the “take” button also switch the form from a “read-only” mode to “read-write”: user can input some data and submit the form.
  • If for any reason a user can’t do a task anymore it can “release” the task that becomes again available to all users in the group.

If needed this behavior can be customized by creating your own task list using Bonita APIs.