This question may be a detailed one as I need to understand the anatomy of an application through it.
So, I have an instantiation form that shows the list of customers onboarded to our system so far; there is a “Add new customer” button which should open another form containing the onboarding formalities. I need to provide the URL of the latter form in the action of the button. I have been following the documentation to understand how to form a URL but I am not able to get the missing pieces right - namely, the processInstanceId and the taskId of the next process/form to navigate to.
Moreover, I want to know the difference between processDefinitionId and processInstanceId.
For instance, for the above case, I provide a URL like this - /bonita/portal/form/processInstance/{{processId}}/task/Basic%20information%20ingestion
I am not able to pass the processId correctly. I get an error if I run this from my studio.
Another aspect of my application is that after filling the form, I need to run a sequence of system tasks which will do some operations (business logic, DB,etc.). I already have python scripts written for these tasks, is there a way I can run those in my system tasks.
I am attaching the diagram for a visual understanding of my use case -
I need a bit of guidance to move forward as currently I am stuck on how to proceed.
Thanks in advance!