Hi everyone,
I’m currently trying to retrieve a business data object keyed by the processInstanceId via a filtered query. Unfortunately, I can’t figure how to access the processInstanceId or the parentProcessId from the UI.
Any thought
Hi David,
If your UI is a Task form you may use /API/bpm/userTask/:userTaskId
and retrieve the rootCaseId
and parentCaseId
attributes (Documentation reference).
Good question.
I make it a point to create a separate column in database to store the Process Instance Id manually.
Have you tried the below API
thx Dibyajit,
I did too store the process Id , and it seems to retrieve the associated one , but it's a little bit magic.
Using the API is difficult , because i need to filter it . I try to do it , by storing the processInstanceId in a process's variable, trying to retrieve it via ../API/bpm/caseVariable?processId inspired by an example fund under https://github.com/Bonitasoft-Community/process-variable-example/
You can write your own Custom JPQL inside the BDM queries. You can define the parameters and output.
By creating a JPQL , you can have your own filter conditions. JPQL can be accessed through REST API.
Saving the Process Instance Id in a Process variable is not good because then after the case is archived, you will lose access to process variable.
Below is another variation
If the case is still active , use the context variable to manage the data.
If the Case is archived , use the REST API to pull the Data.
thx again Dibyajit for your helpfull insights,
I got some difficulty getting the persistenceId or storageId by looking at Rest Api Context | Bonitasoft Community without success.
I have to switch to another project but hopefully will be back ASAP.
Thx All,
Perfect, I should have read the API more attentively 
According to the advice , i can finally access to my entity , following is the screenshot of the variables inside the UI tool
Name Value Type
context ../API/bpm/userTask/{{taskId}}/context External API
entity {{entityLink}} External API
entityLink return '../' +
$data.context.myAddressCondition_ref.link; Javascript
storageId return
$data.context.myAddressCondition_ref.storageId; Javascript
taskId id URL parameter
All the Best