Retrive password

i want t retrive password for the logged user … pls help me to get it … as getPassword() user.password both are depricated

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Hi Vidya,

i suspect this is for security, there should be no way of retrieving an password.

You should create your own, administrative, Process for resetting a password. But definitely not retrieving.

I must admit I would have thought there would be an inbuilt “I’ve forgotten my password” link on the login screen but there isn’t.

In this case I would have an external HTML application do a REST call to your own service process that sends an email to the registered user like many web sites do,


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Well it doesn’t tell you how to save the password, but it shows you how to get the password.

the full post is here,

The lines you’re probably looking for are:

final String password = String.valueOf(credentials.get(AuthenticationConstants.BASIC_PASSWORD)); final String userName = String.valueOf(credentials.get(AuthenticationConstants.BASIC_USERNAME));

Again though, I would recommend doing authentication, getting the token and then use the token, not saved in a variable uid and password for security reasons.

Anyway hope you succeed,

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Hi Seán ,

Based on the user login credentials i’m generating an SCLAR API … so i need to capture user credentials …
autorization for few folder need to be inculded soo i need to capture user id and password

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Yes I see.

I think in this case you should have a look at rewriting the Login Program to save the password (though not recommended) and use it that way. There was a recent LDAP post that showed how to do this.

Personnally if the other system uses LDAP for security authentication I would do the LDAP in Community and then use the token only to validate credentials.

I know the ID and Password method are easier, but they are not very secure at all and not recommended.


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can you please give me the link where they have shown to save password … ??

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yes trying to do the same … using token’s thanku soo much

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Hi Sean ,
As the getPassword api is deprecated , Is there any alternative for this api ?

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The code above doesn’t use the getPassword api, so it should work without issue for now or into the future…


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