What’s ReviewBuddy?
ReviewBuddy is an App that automates review processes. Therefore, companies seeking to automate their review processes could use ReviewBuddy to:
- Notify employees and manager of the Review period starting;
- Provide employees and managers tasks to submit and discuss information related to a review period;
- Send data to HR which after validation the app generates automatically a PDF summary of each Review.
How does it work?
ReviewBuddy contains two pools:
- ReviewHR (Part 1): it allows HR representatives to notify employees that a Review Submission period has begun during which they can start drafting their Reviews as well as scheduling a Review meeting with their managers.
- Review (part 2): it allows employees and managers to draft their reviews, discuss the information submitted, then sent it over to HR for validation. Once Approved, a review summary is generated.
This application covers the following concepts
- BPM Messages
- Multi-instanciation
- Actor filters
- Non-interrupting timers
- Parallel & Exclusive Gateways
- Connectors
- Insert data in a .docx/.odt template connector
- Generate a PDF from an Office document
How to deploy it?
Local environment (from Bonita Studio)
- After downloading the project, deploy it.
- Click on the "tool" icon (Configure) to perform the actor mapping and configure paramaters for both pools
- Select ReviewHR pool and click on RUN.
Server deployement
To make the App available to end-users, you need to set up a Runtime. To achieve this, two options are available:
- Use a Bonita Bundle Server;
- Use a Docker image of a Bonita Bundle Server.
Repository URL : https://github.com/Ilagouilly/ReviewBuddy